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Super Mario Bros Z Mugen

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  1. Super Mario Bros Z Game
  2. Super Mario Bros Z Mugen Game

Super Mario bros Z intro by Alvin-Earthworm. Anime style opening for SMBZ. Movie 1,321,674 Views (Everyone) Play Video Playing. Super Mario bros Z ep 1 by Alvin-Earthworm. The Super Mario bros Z saga begins. Movie 2,820,650 Views (Ages 13+) Play Video Playing. An edit of Ernesto Perez's Daisy that I made. The main feature of this edit is an AI patch that makes her much harder to beat, but it also has improved CLSN boxes and a new 12p mode that makes some her attacks unblockable, constant power gain, infinite juggling, and a 20% boost to attack and defense. Mugen Heroes Collide 2 will be finished and released by December 25, 2018 at 12:00 am. Ez flow lime spreader craigslist. Super Mario Bros. Luigi is Missing! (Fan Game) by KaloyGames.

How to play

Use arrows [↑→↓←] or W-A-S-D keys to move Mario, to jump higher hold the button.
Use Shift/CTRL to Fire/Sprint. Use P to pause and M to mute.

You can play continuously or select a level out of 32 any time you want.
There is also an option to generate a random map. It's an infinite fun!


In this game you are playing the role of the Mario. You are going through the Mushroom Kingdom, surviving the forces of the antagonist Bowser, and saving Princess Toadstool. Mario should reach the flag pole at the end of each level to win the game.

There is a lot of coins scattered around for Mario to collect and special bricks marked with a question mark, which may reveal more coins or a special item when Mario hits them. Other bricks may also contain some coins or rare items so if you have enough time, try to hit them as well. If Mario eats a Super Mushroom , he becomes a Super Mario — he grows to double his size and gains the ability to break bricks above him. If he gets hit in this mode he will turn back to regular Mario instead of dying. If Mario eats a Fire Flower , he becomes a Fire Mario — in this form, Mario gains the ability to throw bouncing fireballs from his hands. If Mario touches a bouncing Super Star (a rare power-up), he turns into Star Mario. In this form Mario is invulnerable to nearly everything and he can kill enemies with a simple touch. This is a temporary form so use your newly obtained powers quickly!

You can read more about the gameplay here.


good game and i got past all maps and foxy good name
GUYS, I did the IMPOSSIBLE I beat 8-4 with mini-mario Oouf I WAS EVEN RECORDING IT Oouf AGAIN I beat every -4 levels with mini-mario Oouf Again
Best game ever it is in my bookmarks bar and I play every day.
This is the best game in the world. And FOXY go on youtube and type how to get past the original super Mario bros world 7-4 nintendius
I can't get past 7-2 or 7-3 it is really hard for my beans to do.
Nice but one question how do you get past 7-3

Super Mario Bros Z Game

good game and i got past all maps and foxy good name
GUYS, I did the IMPOSSIBLE I beat 8-4 with mini-mario Oouf I WAS EVEN RECORDING IT Oouf AGAIN I beat every -4 levels with mini-mario Oouf Again
Best game ever it is in my bookmarks bar and I play every day.
This is the best game in the world. And FOXY go on youtube and type how to get past the original super Mario bros world 7-4 nintendius
I can't get past 7-2 or 7-3 it is really hard for my beans to do.
Nice but one question how do you get past 7-3

Super Mario Bros Z Game

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Super Mario Bros Z Mugen Game

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